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The Joy of Reading

사진: Unsplash 의 Christin Hume


I am deeply immersed in the pleasure of reading books these days. When I was younger, reading books and writing book reports for homework felt like the most challenging tasks. Maybe that’s why I never really took an interest in reading at all.

But now that I have become a mother of two, I go to the library with my kids every other week. We borrow new releases and sometimes even purchase the books we want to keep.

Through books, I can meet great people from the distant past that I never even knew existed. It’s wonderful to vicariously experience stories from worlds I was not familiar with. I hope our children will naturally befriend books from an early age and grow into wise adults.


immersed - to become completely involved in something

vicariously - experienced through the activities of other people, rather than by doing something yourself

page-turner - a book that is so exciting that you want to read it quickly

veg out - taking a break and unwinding, often in a carefree manner


나는 요즘 책 읽는 즐거움에 푹 빠져있다. 어렸을 때는 책 읽고 독후감을 쓰는 숙제가 가장 어려운 일이었다. 그래서인지 독서에 별로 관심이 없었다. 

하지만 두 아이의 엄마가 된 지금은 아이들과 함께 격주로 도서관에 간다. 거기서 신간을 빌리고, 가끔은 소장하고픈 책을 구매하기도 한다. 

책을 통해 나는 내가 알지 못했던 먼 과거의 훌륭한 사람들을 만날 수 있다. 내가 못했던 세상에서 일어나는 이야기를 간접적으로 경험할 수 있다는 것은 정말 멋진 일이다. 우리 아이들이 어릴 때부터 자연스럽게 책과 친구가 되어 지혜로운 사람으로 성장하기를 바란다.


  • I am deeply immersed in jazz music these days. / I didn’t bother him because he was deeply immersed in a book.
  • I visit my mom every other week. / We meet every other week to practice together.
  • Books allow me to vicariously experience various adventures. / I can vicariously experience the sport through video games.

A: What are all those books?

B: I borrowed them from the library. Some of them are real page-turners.

A: Oh, I see. You must really be into reading.

B: I wasn’t before. It’s a hobby I picked up recently.

A: Really? That sounds so much better than vegging out in front of the TV.

B: It’s a really great hobby. This book was so fun that I couldn’t put it down.