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Postnatal Caregiver Services

사진: Unsplash 의 Kelly Sikkema


After giving birth to my third child, I didn’t check myself into a postnatal care center. If I had, I wouldn’t have been able to see my first and second children during my stay. So instead, I opted for postnatal caregiver services.

The government hands out subsidies for postnatal care depending on each family’s situation. That meant we were able to receive services for a while at a reasonable cost.

Postnatal caregivers help out with various tasks related to the mother and baby. They manage the mother’s health and the living space of both the mother and baby. They also coach parents on breastfeeding and sleep training for the baby. Additionally, they prepare simple dishes like seaweed soup and side dishes for the mother. Babies repeat a cycle of eating and sleeping every three hours. 

Postnatal caregivers help them to do this in a very stable way.


opt - to make a choice, especially of one thing or possibility instead of others

hand out - to give something to each person in a group or place

cost a fortune - to be extremely expensive


셋째 아이를 출산한 후 나는 산후조리원에 가지 않았습니다. 산후조리원에 가면 그곳에 있는 동안 첫째와 둘째 아이를 볼 수 없었기 때문이다. 그래서 대신 산후관리사 서비스를 선택했다. 

정부에서 각 가정의 상황에 따라 차등해서 산후관리 보조금을 지급한다. 덕분에 합리적인 비용으로 한동안 서비스를 받을 수 있었다. 

산후관리사는 산모와 아기와 관련된 다양한 업무를 도와준다. 산모의 건강과 산모와 아기의 생활공간을 관리한다. 또한 모유 수유와 아기 수면 교육도 코칭해 준다. 게다가 산모를 위해 미역국과 밑반찬과 같은 간단한 요리를 준비하기도 한다. 아기는 3시간마다 먹고 자는 일을 반복한다. 

산후관리사는 이 과정을 매우 안정적으로 수행할 수 있도록 도와준다.


  • shoulder the cost - to take responsibility for covering the total cost of something
  • It’s available at a reasonable cost. / I got it at a reasonable cost online. 
  • Everyone helped out with that project. / My friend stayed to help out with cleaning up.
  • I called her every three hours. / I checked the website every three hours.

A: Did you check into a postnatal care center after having your second baby?

B: No, I used postnatal caregiver services instead. It was very helpful.

A: It must have cost a fortune. How did you shoulder the cost?

B: We used postnatal caregiver vouchers handed out by the government. 

A: Oh, really?

B: Yes, so it was much less of a burden, financially.