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Pigeons are common birds that can be found almost anywhere. They have an average lifespan of 10 to 20 years. Pigeons became a symbol of peace when the UN adopted a dove design after World War 2. Since the 20th century, pigeons have enjoyed a popular image, as fixture in magic shows and various literary works. 

However, pigeons have recently become a major headache. Because of the explosive growth of pigeon populations in urban areas, they are treated like pests. Pigeons' dropping are highly corrosive, and there have been multiple reports of the guano causing property damage. Pigeons are smarter than people give them credit for. It's no surprose that they are so adaptable to urban environments. By maintaining their population at an appropriate level. I hope they will be loved once again as a symbol of peace.


guano -the excrement (solid state) of sea birds and bats

nuisance - something or someone that annoys you or causes trouble for you


  • This project is a major headached for the company. / Getting to work was a major headache because of the snow.
  • Seagulls are so aggressive that they are etreated like pests at the seashore. / Pigeons are treated like pests, but we made them that way.
  • Thankfully, the storm didn't cause property damage. / If you cause property damage in an accident, the insurance will cover it.

1: The park is practically overrun with pigeons.
2: Yes, they were once a symbol of peace.
1: That's right.
2: But they are a bit of a nuisance these days, aren't they?
1: Yes, it's because the population is out of control.
2: I've heard they sometimes cause property damage.