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My First Granddaughter

사진: Unsplash 의 Luma Pimentel


Today marks the 10th day since my first granddaughter was born. My wife and I teared up when we heard a few months ago that our daughter-in-law had struggled with infertility. At the time, we sincerely congratulated her and tried to comfort her.

I heard that our in-laws also cried their eyes out upon receiving the new of their long-awaited first grandchild.

Both the baby and her mom are currently in a postnatal care center, and we can’t see the baby in person. But, we can see her daily growth through an app. Sleeping, opening her eyeAs, or even yawning-every image of her is simply adorable.

I can’t wait to hold my granddaughter in my arms. To do that, I must kick the habit of smoking right away. Thinking about the 100th-day celebration and first birthday party already fills each day with joyful anticipation. 


cry one's eyes out - to cry a lot

infertility - the fact of being unable to have babies, produce young, or produce new plants

postnatal - relating to the period of time after a baby has been born

can't get enough of - to greatly enjoy


오늘은 내 첫 손녀가 태어난 지 10일째 되는 날이다. 몇 달 전 며느리가 난임으로 마음고생을 많이 했다는 소식을 듣고 아내와 나는 눈시울이 붉어졌다. 당시 우리는 진심으로 축하하고 위로했다. 

사돈 식구들도 오랫동안 기다리던 첫 손주를 맞이하고는 펑펑 울었다고 한다. 지금은 아기, 산모 모두 산후조리원에 있어서 아기를 직접 볼 수 없다. 하지만 앱을 통해 매일 커가는 모습을 볼 수 있다. 잠자는 모습, 눈을 뜨는 모습, 하품하는 모습 등 아기의 모든 모습이 사랑스럽기만 하다. 
하루빨리 손녀를 안아보고 싶다. 그러기 위해서는 당장 담배를 끊어야 한다. 100일 잔치, 돌잔치를 생각하니 벌써부터 하루하루 기대감으로 가득 차 있다.


  • Many young couples struggle with infertility. / The company offers benefits for employees who struggle with infertility. 
  • She’s my favorite singer, but I’ve never seen her in person. / I changed my mind after seeing him in person. 
  • I was unable to kick the habit of smoking, no matter how hard I tried. / I have to kick the habit of snacking late at night.

A: Is that a picture of your granddaughter?

B: Yes, isn’t she adorable?

A: She has the smile of an angel.

B: I just can’t get enough of her.

A: I know the feeling. Is she your first grandchild?

B: Yes, she is. I can’t wait for her to grow up healthy, so we can play together hand in hand.