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Multi-Child Families

I'm a mom with/of 3 kids. People are bowled over when they hear I have 3 kids. I get kudos from people who call me a patriot. The low birthrate is an emerging social issue these days. I suppose someone with 3 kids is considered a patriot now. Raising kids costs money in more ways than one. The national and local governments both offer certain benefits to multi-child households with 3 or more children. So we're getting some help. It's not a huge amount, but we're still grateful. We get a deal on parking fees at public parking lots, as well as public services like the water bill, the gas bill and the electricity bill. We can also sign up for programs at the city's cultural center free of charge.

My favorite perk is that we revieved bonus points when applying kindergartens. This meant that we can send kids to the kindergarten of our choice. 


  • Intellectual property is an emerging social issue.
  • Students can get a deal on all the items. / I got a deal on some older items.
  • They didn't have the color of my choice.

1: You have 3 kids, right?

2: Yes, that's correct. I have one daughter and two sons. 

1: It's hard enough raising just 1 child, how you can raise 3 is beyond me. 

2: Our oldest daughter is grown up now, so she looks after her little brothers.

1: That's so nice of her.

2: Yes. She really makes me proud.