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Longing for Mexico

사진: Unsplash 의 Evan Wise

I first grew fond of Mexico during a long-term business trip from 2015 to 2016. I stayed in Monterrey, Mexico for an extended period.

The impression I got from the locals was that the Mexican people are genuinely friendly and passionate. I attended several concerts, and the people were so full of energy that some concerts started late at night and only ended in the early morning hours.

The local cuisine of Mexico, with an emphasis on tacos, is so delicious that even Korean people can easily enjoy it. The unique sauces bring out the savory flavor of the food.

Local museums with numerous cultural artifacts are always open. Plus, you can often see people wearing cowboy hats and riding on horseback, allowing you to experience the unique culture of Mexico.


grow fond of - having a liking for or love of (someone or something)

savory flavor - associated with ingredients like meats, mushrooms, soy sauce, cheese, and certain vegetables

can't get enough of - to enjoy something so much that you want


나는 2015년부터 2016년까지 장기 출장으로 멕시코 몬테레이에 머물면서 멕시코를 좋아하게 되었다. 

현지인들에게 받은 인상은 멕시코 사람들이 정말 친절하고 열정적이라는 점이다. 나는 몇 차례 콘서트에 갔는데, 어떤 콘서트는 밤늦게 시작해서 새벽에야 끝날 정도로 사람들이 에너지가 넘쳤다. 

타코를 중심으로 한 멕시코의 현지 음식은 한국인도 쉽게 즐길 수 있을 정도로 맛있다. 독특한 소스가 음식의 감칠맛을 살려주는 것이 특징이다. 

다양한 문화유산이 있는 현지 박물관은 항상 열려 있습니다. 또한 카우보이 모자를 쓰고 말을 타는 사람들을 종종 볼 수 있어 멕시코의 독특한 문화를 체험할 수 있다.


  • My son is always full of energy. / I am full of energy today because I slept well last night.
  • Adding just a little salt brings out the savory flavor. / I mix in some soy sauce to bring out the savory flavor.
  • I didn’t have time to experience the unique culture of the city. / I want to experience the unique culture of this country.

A: How about having tacos for lunch today?

B: Do you like Mexican food?

A: I just want to try something different.

B: I can’t get enough of it.

A: Really?

B: Yes, I first got into it during a long-term business trip to Mexico a while back.