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How My Son is Shaping His Life

사진: Unsplash 의 Junior REIS


During the COVID pandemic, our son gave some serious thought to his future. 

That’s when he started to dream of becoming a stylist. So, for his senior year of high school, he started attending a fashion vocational school. He diligently attended school, never missing a day even though the commute took over three hours. As soon as he finished the program, he landed a job at a styling company.

Even though it didn’t pay very much, he worked tirelessly, even on weekends and holidays. He would set our for work early in the morning and finish late at night. It was such a demanding schedule that he sometimes got a bloody nose. 

But for a year and a half, our son traveled all over the world, including the US, Japan, and Southeast Asia, assisting in concerts for famous singers.

As a mother, I shed many tears worrying about my hardworking son. 

Nevertheless, I am proud of him and even admire him for his dedication to achieving his dream.


vocational - providing knowledge and skills that prepare you for a particular job

set out - to start an activity with a particular aim

shed - to allow tears or blood to flow


코로나19 팬데믹 기간 동안 우리 아들은 자신의 미래에 대해 진지하게 고민했다. 그러다 스타일리스트가 되고 싶다는 꿈을 꾸기 시작했다. 그래서 고3 때 패션 직업학교에 다니기 시작했다. 통학 시간이 3시간 이상 걸렸지만 하루도 빠지지 않고 성실히 학교에 다녔다. 과정을 마치자마자 그는 스타일리스트 회사에 취직했다. 

급여는 많지 않았고, 주말과 휴일에도 일했다. 아침 일찍 출근해 밤늦게 퇴근은 다반사였다. 가끔 너무 힘든 일정에 코피가 날 정도였다. 하지만 아들은 1년 반 동안 미국, 일본, 동남아시아 등 전 세계를 돌아다니며 유명 가수들의 콘서트를 도왔다. 

엄마로서 열심히 일하는 아들 걱정에 눈물을 많이 흘렸다. 그럼에도 불구하고 자신의 꿈을 이루기 위해 열심히 노력하는 아들이 자랑스럽고 존경스럽기까지 하다.


  • You should give some serious thought to what you want from your career. / I gave some serious thought to becoming a doctor.
  • I landed a job at the fifth company I applied to. / I landed a job at a company in the city.
  • I didn’t have a job for a year and a half. / I studied for a year and a half to take the test.

A: My son has loved cooking since he was little.

B: Oh, really?

A: Yes, He’s been diligently attending cooking classes since the eighth grade.

B: It must be his dream to become a chef someday.

A: Yes, that’s the impression I get. Recently, he even got licensed as a Korean cuisine chef.

B: Wow! It’s wonderful that he found his dream so early in life.