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Exercise for a Healthy Mind and Body

사진: Unsplash 의 CATHY PHAM


When my husband moved to a new job, we had to move quite far away.

I thought about what I could do to avoid feeling lonely in our new neighborhood, and started to work out at the gym.

I thought I would fizzle out unless I had a concrete goal, so I decided to challenge myself to the recent trend of taking body profile pictures.

I had a tummy after two child births, and my body fat percentage had increased to over 30% due to my irregular eating habits. I worked out diligently over the course of four months. Most importantly, I switched to a healthier diet. As a result, my muscle strength increased and my body fat percentage dropped to the teens.

I’m experiencing the fascinating change of improved stamina even as I lose weight. Witnessing my own transformation to a healthier me through daily exercise brings me a lot of joy these days.


fizzle - to finish slowly in a way that is disappointing or has become less interesting

tummy - an informal or childish word for stomach

complexion - the natural color, texture, and appearance of the skin, especially of the face

be at it - to be involved in doing something


남편이 새로운 직장으로 이직하면서 우리는 꽤 먼 곳으로 이사해야 했다. 새로운 동네에서 외로움을 느끼지 않기 위해 무엇을 할 수 있을까 고민하다가 헬스클럽에서 운동을 시작했다. 구체적인 목표가 없으면 흐지부지될 것 같아서 최근 유행하는 바디 프로필 사진 촬영에 도전해 보기로 했다. 

두 번의 출산으로 배가 나온 데다 불규칙한 식습관으로 체지방률이 30% 이상으로 높아졌다. 4개월 동안 부지런히 운동했다. 가장 중요한 것은 더 건강한 식단으로 바꾼 것이다. 그 결과 근력이 증가하고 체지방률이 10%대로 떨어졌다. 

체중을 감량하면서 체력도 향상되는 놀라운 변화를 경험하고 있다. 매일 운동하며  더 건강한 모습으로 변해가는 나 자신을 보면서 즐거운 나날을 보내고 있다.


  • I listen to music when I work out at the gym. / I work out at the gym after work three times a week.
  • I have a tummy now, but I don’t mind. / It’s normal for people to have a tummy after a certain age.
  • I really need to switch to a healthier diet. / My wife helped me switch to a healthier diet. 

A: You’ve been working out really hard lately.

B: Yes, I am really into it now.

A: You have a healthy complexion, and you really seem fit.

B: I’ve also lost a lot of weight - 6kg!

A: That’s really impressive!

B: I’m thinking of trying even harder to take body profile pictures while I’m at it.