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Enjoying Wine

I enjoy wine from time to time. There is some basic knowledge about wine that often comes in handy.

Don't raise your glass when someone pours wine for you. If you feel self-concious to just look on, you can place your hand on the base of the glass. When pouring wine, filling the glass a third of the way is about right. When you clink glasses to drink a toast, you should tilt the glass about15 degrees and lightly tap the bowls together. Higher-end glasses will make a clearer sound.

You should hold a wineglass by its stem. This is to prevent changing the wine's flavor with your body heat. Chugging down wine is a no-no. You should gently swirl your glass, taking in the wine's aroma and flavor as you sip slowly. You can eat some plain white bread, crackers, or cheese when you switch to a different type of wine. This is meant cleanse your palate and wash away the flavor of the previous wine.


chug down - drink very quickly without stopping

take in - to completely understand the meaning or importance of something

cleanse your palate - to clean and refresh the mouth between different parts of a meal


  • I feel self-conscious whenever I wear new clothes. / My friends were so noisy that I felt self-conscious.
  • We clinked glasses without saying anything. / It's rude to clink glasses at a funeral.
  • Sticking your chopsticks in rich is a no-no in some households. / Eating late at night is a no-no if you want to lose weight.

1: It's good to sip at a glass of water and stay hydrated when you drink red wine.
2: Is that so?
1: Yes. Also, it's a good idea to use a napkin to wipe your lips frequently.
2: Why is that?
1: Otherwise, your teeth and lips might look reddish brown when you talk.
2: Oh, that's a useful tip.