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Discounted Convenience Store Parcel Delivery

사진: Unsplash 의 Claudio Schwarz


When I get rid of childcare items or children’s books, I use second-hand trade platforms. And instead of face-to-face transactions where I need to be at home at a scheduled time, I prefer trading through advance payment and parcel delivery.

I often receive inquiries these days about whether discounted parcel delivery services are available when I sell things that don’t take up much space, like small toys or a few books. With regular courier services, parcels are delivered door to door, and they typically cost around 4,000 to 5,000 won. In contrast, discounted convenience store deliveries transfer packages from one convenience store to another, and only cost half as much. However, it does take about 3 to 7 days. 

Although it takes a bit longer, it’s a good choice for items that aren’t urgently needed since it’s only half the price. However, the parcel must weigh less than 5kg. And since the delivery takes a while, it’s not appropriate for perishable food or expensive items.


transaction - an occasion when someone buys or sells something

advance payment - a payment that is made before goods or services are provided

perishable - food products that decay quickly


나는 육아용품이나 아동 도서를 처분할 때, 중고 거래 플랫폼을 이용한다. 그리고 정해진 시간에 맞춰 있어야 하는 대면 거래보다는 선입금 후 택배 거래를 선호한다. 

요즘 작은 장난감이나 몇 권의 책처럼 공간을 많이 차지하지 않는 물건 판매 시 반값택배 가능여부 문의를 자주 받는다. 일반 택배는 문 앞까지 배달되며, 일반적으로 4,000원에서 5,000원 정도다. 반면, 편의점 반값 택배는 편의점에서 편의점으로 물건을 전달하고, 비용이 절반밖에 들지 않는다. 다만, 3~7일 정도 소요된다.

조금 더 시간이 걸리지만, 절반 가격이기 때문에 급히 필요하지 않은 물건에는 좋은 선택이다. 하지만 택배무게가 5kg 미만이어야 한다. 그리고 배송에 시간이 걸리므로, 상하기 쉬운 음식이나 고가의 물건에는 적합하지 않다.


  • Face-to-face transactions can be awkward or even dangerous. / I prefer face-to-face transactions because they’re less complicated.
  • I use a laptop because it doesn’t take up much space. / It’s very useful, and it doesn’t take up much space.
  • It only costs half as much if you buy it online. / Tickets only cost half as much for members.

A: Do you do a lot of second-hand transactions?

B: Sure. I sell many unused items on second-hand trade platforms.

A: Do you mainly do face-to-face transactions?

B: No. I mostly prefer parcel deliveries.

A: Don’t the shipping costs add up?

B: I actively use discounted parcel delivery services at convenience stores..