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사진: Unsplash 의 Andrew Neel


The term “Bobusang” refers to people in the old days who carried a bundle on their backs, going around the marketplace selling goods. Nowadays, it is used jokingly to describe people who carry around a lot of stuff in a large bag. That describes me to a T

My bag has always been heavy ever since my school days. I stuffed it with things I might need, just in case. As a result of this, chronic shoulder pain has been a constant problem for me.

When I see people around me who barely carry anything in their bags, it sometimes makes me feel uneasy. With the growing number of digital devices and charging accessories these days, it seems like I may never escape my fate of being a “Bobusang.”


to a T -  perfectly or exactly right

on the run - while hurrying to go somewhere


'보부상'은 옛날에 보따리를 등에 짊어지고 장터를 돌아다니며 물건을 팔던 사람들을 말한다. 요즘은 큰 가방에 이것저것 많은 물건을 싸 들고 다니는 사람을 우스갯소리로 '보부상'이라고 부르기도 한다. 내가 바로 그렇다.

학창 시절부터 내 가방은 항상 무거웠다. 만약을 위해 필요할지도 모를 물건들을 모조리 넣고 다녔다. 이로 인해 만성어깨 통증은 늘 나를 괴롭혔다.

가방에 아무것도 넣지 않고 다니는 주변 사람들을 보면 내가 오리혀 불안한 마음이 들기도 한다. 최근에는 디지털 기기와 충전 액세서리가 점점 늘어나면서 나는 '보부상' 운명을 영원히 벗어날 수 없을 것 같다.


  • I usually don’t carry around a lot of stuff. / I bought a big bag because I carry around a lot of stuff.
  • It’s a newly coined word that describes me to a T. / The lyrics of this song describe you to a T.
  • Chronic shoulder pain is common for people who work at a desk all day. / I started exercising to cure my chronic shoulder pain.

A: Why is your bag so big? It looks like you’re on the run from something!

B: It ended up like this because I kept adding things that I might have a use for.

A: Isn’t it heavy?

B: It is heavy, but it actually makes me feel uneasy to carry a lighter bag.

A: I see.

B: That’s why for the bag itself, I try to use the lightest one possible.