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Being Baby-Faced

My parents both look young for their age. My mom especially dresses youthfully, so she looks much younger than her actual age. When I was younger, I couldn't understand why hearing that she looked young put her in such a good mood. But now that I am nearing 40 myself, I totally get it

Self-care is very widespread these days, so lots of people look younger than their age. It's not just one's face, either. More people are youthful in both body and the way they think. I plan to read up on various topics, develop a youthful sense of fashion, and work out regularly. I hope that this kind of continued attention to self-care will make me a woman with a youthful mind.


  • You don't need to explain. I totally get it. / I totally got it once he explained it to me.
  • It's hard for someone so old to change the way they think. / You need to change the way you think, not just the way you work.
  • I read up on the region's culture before I traveled there. / I am reading up on cryptocurrencies these days.

1: How do you manage to look so young?

2: Me? Oh, you're too kind.

1: You look at least 10 or 15 years younger than your age.

2: Oh! never get tired of hearing that.

1: What's your secret?

2: It's nothing much. I just try to work out regularly and live youthfully.