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Becoming a Jeju Haenyeo

사진: Unsplash 의 john ko

Last year, I wrapped up my 30-year career and relocated to Jeju. I soon started to take an interest in Jeju’s iconic female divers, known as “haenyeo.” It just so happened that the Haenyeo School was recruiting students for a hands-on training course. So, I put in an application, went in for an interview, and was accepted to the school.

I completed 80 hours of theory classes and practical diving training. And after an eight-session internship at a real coastal village, I am now working as a haenyeo.

Haenyeo are classified into three tiers based on their diving skills: lower, intermediate, and advanced. I am still just a novice haenyeo, not even lower-ranked. But I dream of someday becoming a veteran and guarding the waters of Jeju.


wrap up - to complete or finish something

it just so happens that - the event happened in due course without outside influence

the catch of the day - the fish offered on a particular day at a restaurant


작년에 나는 30년간의 직장 생활을 마무리하고 제주로 이주했다. 얼마 지나지 않아 제주 상징 중 하나인 '해녀'에 관심을 갖게 되었다. 마침 해녀학교에서 해녀 체험 교육 과정 수강생을 모집 중이었다. 그래서 서류 전형을 거치고 면접 후 입교하게 됐다. 

80시간의 이론 수업과 실습 다이빙 교육을 이수했다. 그리고 실제 어촌 마을에서 8회에 걸친 인턴십을 거쳐 지금은 해녀로 일하고 있다. 

해녀는 물질 실력에 따라 하군, 중군, 상군의 세 등급으로 나뉜다. 나는 아직 하군도 아닌 새내기 해녀에 불과하지만, 언젠가는 베테랑이 되어 제주의 바다를 지키는 해녀가 되기를 꿈꿔 본다.


  • My daughter has started to take an interest in boys at school. / I first started to take an interest in jazz when I was in college.
  • It just so happens that they are on sale now. / It just so happens that I have one in my bag.
  • She’s still just a novice, but she has talent. / I’m afraid to go because I’m still just a novice.

A: Where should we go for dinner? Do you know any must-eat restaurants nearby?

B: Since we had pork belly for lunch, how about some fresh seafood at the Haenyeo House?

A: Is that restaurant?

B: They are places where you can taste the catch of the day, provided by haenyeo divers.

A: Oh, really? I’d love to give that a try.

B: There’s one just around the corner from here.