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5 Years at the Local Library

사진: Unsplash 의 Metin Ozer

I am an ordinary, 50-year-old father of three sons. Five years ago, while searching for ways to set an example for my children, I got to know “입트영.”

Searching for a place to both prepare in advance and go over the content after each show, I started going to the local library. It was hard and uncomfortable just to stay seated at first, but as I continued, studying became a part of my daily routine.

The atmosphere at the library is conducive to studying for everyone, which motivates me to work hard. What’s more, visiting the library allows me to have some time to myself. I can organize my day and plan for the month ahead.

On weekends, my family gathers to enjoy packed lunches and we use the library as a gathering place.

The library offers all of these benefits, and my family and I have been visiting four times a week for the past five years.


get to know - to spend time with someone or something so that you gradually learn more about them or it

go over sth - to examine or look at something in a careful or detailed way

conducive - providing the right conditions for something good to happen or exist

brush up on sth - to improve your knowledge of something already learned but partly forgotten


나는 세 아들을 둔 50세의 평범한 가장이다. 5년 전, 아이들에게 귀감이 될만한 방법을 찾던 중 "입트영"을 알게 되었다. 
매 방송 후 예습과 복습을 할 공간을 찾던 중 동네 도서관을 다니게 되었다. 처음에는 앉아 있기도 힘들고 불편했으나, 공부를 계속하다 보니 지금은 생활 습관이 되었다. 

도서관은 누구나 공부하는 분위기여서 나도 열심히 해야겠다는 동기부여가 된다. 게다가 도서관을 방문하면 혼자만의 시간을 가질 수 있다. 하루를 정리하고 다음 달을 계획할 수 있다. 주말에는 가족들이 모여 도시락을 먹고, 도서관을 모임 장소로 이용하기도 한다. 

이러한 이점인 많은 도서관을 가족들과 함께 5년 동안 주 4회씩 꾸준히 다니고 있다.


  • It can be stressful for parents to always set an example for their kids. / I try to set an example for my younger siblings.
  • Writing in my diary has become a part of my daily routine. / Exercise should become a part of your daily routine.
  • I just want to have some time to myself today. / I rarely have some time to myself on weekdays.

A: Where do you go with your kids every day?

B: To the library. We go together to study. It’s great.

A: Are your kids into it?

B: Sure. We read books together, and I also brush up on my English.

A: It must be wonderful to spend time with your family like that. How often do you go?

B: We go at least three times a week. It’s become a part of our routine.